Possible Prelude to Post to come

An alien is dropped down on earth from a large mother ship in the sky. Empty mind and unbalanced movement plagues this poor freak. Clean slate for him to write the story of his life. Hammer and chisel at hand he set forth to write about his life. An impossible task for the clueless little Martian with no memory and no life experience what so ever. Rather than set out and right about hopes and dreams, possible events and situations, things that aren’t true, things that haven’t and possibly might not happen. No this brave little monster set out on a quest to experience life unplanned. He has no goals, he has no dreams, and he just has his pen a utensil that cannot be erased. For what is set in ink is cannot be undone. He will only record that what is fact, and discourage anything that is not that. However what he doesn’t know is that others will see him as fiction rather than fact. For as of today the notion of an alien isn’t fact. But what is fact is that there are minds that imagine such works of fiction and jot these things down turning them into a fact about fiction. And once in one’s mind it can become a fact of that one person mind and imagination. Because what is fiction but a prelude the truth, a simple idea bouncing around a lovely young couple. A couple that can bring it to life.

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